
Citing Growth of Mobile, TMG introduces Text Message Alerts for ATIRAreload Product

October 26, 2009

(Des Moines, Iowa – October 26, 2009) – TMG (The Members Group) has added Short Message Service (SMS) text message alerts to its ATIRAreload card product, a reloadable prepaid card offering available to TMG’s credit union and community bank clients.

ATIRAreload cardholders can elect to receive a SMS text message alert based on specific event triggers such as low balance, value load and purchase transactions. They can also send a text message requesting information, such as account balance.

“Our clients report an increased desire among cardholders for quick and convenient account monitoring to complement their increasingly mobile lifestyles,” said Jeff Falk, TMG director of product development. “By adding the text message feature to our reloadable product, we’re hoping to accomplish two things: 1) the introduction of a feature available on most mobile devices, appealing to the increasing on-the-go demographic; and 2) increasing consumers’ comfort level with the overall concept of prepaid cards.”

The text message feature is available to cardholders at no extra charge. Of course, standard text messaging rates from the cardholder’s mobile carrier apply.

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