Press Releases
TMG Adds New Card Design Option to Prepaid Lineup
(Des Moines, Iowa – April 11, 2013) – The Members Group (TMG) has added a new design option for its ATIRAreload Visa prepaid card. The plastic is now offered in a black background with silver lettering, in addition to the green background design already available. The sleek, prestigious design was created to appeal to a wider demographic of customers and to keep the card top-of-wallet with cardholders.
TMG Enables Underserved Outreach with Instant Issue Reloadable Cards
(Des Moines, Iowa – February 29, 2012) – To better assist financial institutions with outreach to the underserved, The Members Group (TMG) has added instant issuance to the list of features available on its ATIRA- and Coopera-branded reloadable prepaid cards.
TMG Releases White Paper on Reloadable Prepaid Cards for Business
(Des Moines, Iowa – March 30, 2011) – As reloadable cards gain popularity among consumers, TMG’s Konrad Christensen hopes community financial institutions (FIs) will realize an even better end-user for the prepaid product – business clients.
Citing Growth of Mobile, TMG introduces Text Message Alerts for ATIRAreload Product
(Des Moines, Iowa – October 26, 2009) – TMG (The Members Group) has added Short Message Service (SMS) text message alerts to its ATIRAreload card product, a reloadable prepaid card offering available to TMG’s credit union and community bank clients.